I Like That

I Like That
See, hear, taste, touch and inhale the wonders of the world.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Plot Gets Adopted

I LIKE THAT Doug A., one of our Adopt-A-Block volunteers, devotes his time to managing a plot of land at the intersection of South Alder and South Murphy in Campbell River. The property belongs legally to the City but in our hearts as citizens of this fine metropolis we would rather see the little junction kept free of weeds, long grasses, rubbish and rodents that love to hide in the mix.
As you walk, bike, hike, skateboard or drive by the connection, stop to have a look at the improvements Doug has made. He’s exposed the two proud evergreens that stand side-by-side and has rescued two precious clusters of yet-to-be-identified yellow flowers. He regularly cuts the grass which, much to its dismay, doesn't receive the water treatment it needs to look as spectacular as it should.
Doug A., is an Adopt-A-Block volunteer who walks over 1400 metres on a regular basis to remove trash from the sidewalks and boulevards in his neighbourhood. He’s a humble man who cares deeply for the environment.
Anyone can take up the challenge of cleaning the sidewalks and boulevards or small territories of Campbell River. If you are interested, contact Susan Black at cleanlivingcr@gmail.com to receive an Adopt-A-Block volunteer package.

Corner of South Alder and South Murphy

Doug A.'s masterpiece

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